Our iconic Sicilian Nocellara del Belice, from the Belice Valley, displays a pleasant creamy mouth feel with sweet complex flavors punctuated by a peppery kick. This early harvest varietal is carefully crafted from pristine olives and has floral undertones with notes of creamy green almond. This Belice Valley beauty, with all of its fruitiness, is perfect for roasting, sauteing and marinating.
Crush Date: November 2023
*Polyphenols: 380.95 ppm
Oleic Acid: 72.85
DAGs: 96.4
Squalene: 8,601.1
FFA: 0.15
Peroxide: 5.19
*PPP: <0.6
A-Tocopherols 197.4
*As measured at the time of crush.
Organoleptic Taste Panel Assessment:
Fruitiness: 5.5
Bitterness: 3.5
Pungency: 4.0