Holiday Cookie Magic

Holiday Cookie Magic

Holiday Cookie Magic

The holidays can be described as "the most wonderful time of the year," and with so many reasons to love the holidays, cookie and cookie making are just one more thing to add to that list!

Holiday cookies are a must have in our house. And, let's get real, who can choose just one type of holiday cookie when there are SO many varieties?! 

There are so many reasons to love cookies and particularly cookie making. They bring families and friends together, they're a fun activity for kids to partake in, they're a great reason to get messy, and, of course, they leave you with lots of post-dinner (or lunch!) sweet treats. They also make great gifts. Think of teachers, in-laws, friends, neighbors... almost everyone loves cookies. So, with your next holiday activity determined, the only remaining question is, how do you choose which cookies to make? 

We're partial to all things made with olive oil, of course. Not only does it give an extra boost of polyphenols, anti-oxidants and vitamins to these sweet little nuggets, subbing olive oil for butter also makes baked goods last longer.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Butter Infused Olive Oil are the two most common olive oils used in cookie making, but we've adventured beyond just those with our cookie making and into the world of delicious classics with a twist of unexpected.

From salted rosemary, to Persian lime, to pumpkin, here are 5 of our favorite cookie recipes to try out this cookie making holiday season!

Happy Holidays!

