Feta Pumpkin Dip with Basil Olive Oil
The perfect dish to bring to holiday potlucks or make ahead for a tasty appetizer! Pumpkin, feta, and spices come together for a delicious, comfort...
The perfect dish to bring to holiday potlucks or make ahead for a tasty appetizer! Pumpkin, feta, and spices come together for a delicious, comfort...
These pecan sandies are warm with a cozy sweetness that’s perfect for fall. Our Cinnamon Pear Balsamic adds a rich, fruity complexity, while pecans...
When it’s cold outside, nothing says cozy like a stuffed squash that’s brimming with fall’s finest flavors. This recipe takes a roasted acorn squas...
Get ready to spice up your snack game! This creamy, zesty delight combines sautéed corn and green onions atop a luscious bed of Greek yogurt, with ...
Fall on a plate: this vibrant salad marries roasted delicata squash with peppery greens, tart apples, and a sprinkle of goat cheese, all dressed in...
Fall on a plate: wild rice cozies up with roasted squash, a sprinkle of pecans, and a sweet-tart elderberry kiss using our Elderberry Balsamic. Thi...
Tender sweet potatoes, roasted to caramelized perfection and mashed with creamy pumpkin puree, are elevated to new heights with our Butter Olive Oi...
Layers of fluffy eggs, savory sausage, and wholesome pumpkin bread, all kissed with the subtle richness of olive oil, come together in this satisfy...
Nutrient-rich quinoa, fluffy and light, forms the base of this hearty dish, while tender chunks of pumpkin and vibrant spinach add color and flavor...
Layers of al dente pasta, tossed in a velvety pumpkin sauce infused with the our Pesto Olive Oil, create a symphony of flavors and textures. Each b...
A crisp, golden crust serves as the canvas for a tantalizing blend of flavors - creamy pumpkin puree, aromatic olive oil, and a melty layer of mozz...
Moist and tender, these muffins are bursting with the rich flavor of pumpkin puree, heightened by the delicate notes of olive oil and warm spices. ...