Feta Pumpkin Dip with Basil Olive Oil
The perfect dish to bring to holiday potlucks or make ahead for a tasty appetizer! Pumpkin, feta, and spices come together for a delicious, comfort...
The perfect dish to bring to holiday potlucks or make ahead for a tasty appetizer! Pumpkin, feta, and spices come together for a delicious, comfort...
Elevate your appetizer game with this Thyme Pomegranate Infused Goat Cheese! This creamy delight is drizzled with a vibrant blend of our Thyme Infu...
A sweet and savory puff pastry tart baked with peaches, brie and prosciutto and drizzled in honey and our Strawberry Balsamic Vinegar. Its simple a...
Half dessert, half appetizer, this recipe takes three grab bag ingredients (feta, blood oranges and mint) and combines them in a unique way. The re...
Whether you always order Spinach Artichoke Dip when you go out, or you sometimes dabble with the dip, this homemade Spinach Artichoke Dip is even b...
This creamy concoction is a cloud of savory bliss! The ricotta is whipped to airy perfection, infused with our herbaceous Thyme Infused Olive Oil, ...
INGREDIENTS: 4 Tablespoons butter, divided 1 ½ cups half-and-half cream, divided 1 cup milk ¼ teaspoon salt 1/3 cup cornmeal 1 cup Rocky Mountain ...
One of our favorite grilled goodies this summer is Elotes, also known as Mexican Street Corn. Sweet ears of corn are grilled with our Chipotle Infused Olive Oil until they're lightly charred, then slathered with creamy lime topping, spices and cotija cheese. Make it for friends and family and watch. Them. SMILE!
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup of basil leaves, loosely packed 1/4 cup of pine nuts 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 clove garlic A pinch of salt 1/2 cup of a...
Ingredients: 1 lb spaghetti 6 Tablespoons Rocky Mountain Olive Oil Basil Infused Olive Oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 teaspoons ground black peppe...
Elevate your appetizer game with these luscious mushroom crostini! Sautéed in Thyme Olive Oil and kissed with a hint of lemon, each bite is a savor...
Ingredients: 1 1/2 cup Rocky Mountain Olive Oil Hojiblanca Olive Oil 1 pound of bocconcini mozzarella fresca, drained 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2...