Potato and Leek Soup
Our twist on a soup classic! A blend of sweet onions, leeks, and tender potatoes are cooked in our Herbes de Provence Olive Oil with a touch of our...
Our twist on a soup classic! A blend of sweet onions, leeks, and tender potatoes are cooked in our Herbes de Provence Olive Oil with a touch of our...
Shrimp are bathed in a delicious sauce made of ginger, garlic, and spicy jalapeños, complemented by sweet coconut and tangy balsamics. Cardamom and...
Tomatoes and garlic are caramelized to enhance their natural sweetness, while Honey Crisp apple adds a subtle fruity note. Fresh rosemary infuses a...
Arborio rice is cooked to a perfect al dente texture, absorbing the chicken stock and white wine for a luxurious mouthfeel. Freshly grated Parmesa...
This cocktail offers a crisp and refreshing blend with a hint of apple tartness. The chilled vodka provides a smooth, clean base, while our Gravens...
A blend of Neapolitan Herb and Gravenstein Apple Balsamics, create a savory, tangy flavor with aromatic garlic and Italian Seasoning to make a perf...
This marinade offers a delightful balance of flavors with its tangy and slightly sweet profile. Our Pomegranate Quince Balsamic imparts a fruity an...
Spinach, strawberries, almonds and goat cheese come together in an easy-to-make medley. Topped with a healthy vinaigrette made with our Pomegranate...
Fresh quince provides a floral and subtly tart base, which is beautifully complemented by our Pomegranate Quince Balsamic’s vibrant, fruity notes a...
White tea provides a subtle and smooth base, while our Pomegranate Quince Balsamic infuses the drink with a complex blend of tart pomegranate and s...
Tender pork is seared to perfection and roasted with a luscious glaze made from our Denissimo Specialty Vinegar, honey, and Dijon mustard, resultin...
This dish marries the crispy, caramelized texture of roasted Brussels sprouts with the creamy richness of whipped ricotta, all elevated by the nuan...